Azos-Stellar Integration Architecture
System Architecture
Image: Comprehensive view of the Azos-Stellar integration architecture showing all components and their connections
Key Components Explained
Stellar Network Layer
- Stellar Core: The backbone of the Stellar network that processes transactions
- Horizon API: REST API interface for interacting with the Stellar network
- Asset Trustlines: Establishes relationships between user accounts and issued assets
- SEP-1 TOML File: Configuration file hosted at your domain that defines anchor capabilities
Anchor Integration Layer
- SEP-10 Authentication: Secure, signature-based authentication for Stellar accounts
- SEP-6/24 Transfer APIs: Standards for handling deposits and withdrawals
- SEP-12 KYC API: User verification and compliance management
- Transfer Server: Central service managing transfers between Stellar and Azos
Bridge Layer
- Azos API Adapter: Translates Stellar operations to Azos Protocol actions
- Cross-Chain Verification: Ensures transaction validity across blockchains
- Asset Registry: Maps assets between Stellar and the EVM chain
- Event Listeners: Monitors blockchain events to maintain synchronization
Azos Protocol Layer
- CDP Vaults: Collateralized positions for RWAs and regenerative assets
- Stablecoin Issuance: Minting of stablecoins backed by sustainable collateral
Process Flows
Deposit RWA and Mint Stablecoin Flow
Image: Sequence diagram showing the process of depositing RWA or regenerative assets to mint stablecoins
Minting New Stablecoins Flow
- Initiation: The Stellar user selects "Mint Azos Stablecoin" in their wallet application.
- Interactive Interface: The wallet opens the SEP-24 interface, where the user specifies the amount and type of collateral (RWA or regenerative asset) they wish to deposit.
- Request Processing: The Anchor service receives this request and forwards it to the Bridge service with the necessary minting parameters.
Cross-Chain Operation:
- The Bridge locks the user's collateral on the Stellar side
- Simultaneously, it instructs the Azos Protocol to create a CDP (Collateralized Debt Position) vault on the EVM chain
Stablecoin Creation:
- The Azos Protocol calculates the appropriate collateral ratio, deposits the collateral and mints the corresponding amount of stablecoins on the EVM chain.
Token Issuance:
- Azos protocol sends stablecoins to The Bridge
- The Bridge receives confirmation of the received stablecoins
- The Anchor then issues an equivalent amount of representative stablecoins on the Stellar network
- These tokens are 1:1 backed by the original Azos stablecoins locked in the bridge contract
The stablecoins are credited to the user's Stellar wallet, and they see their updated balance.
Cross-Chain Stablecoin Transfer
Image: Sequence diagram illustrating how stablecoins are transferred from EVM chain to Stellar network
User Experience
Receiving Stablecoins:
- Set up a trustline (one-time action)
- Receive a notification when stablecoins arrive
- See the balance in their Stellar wallet
Using Stablecoins:
- Trade on Stellar DEX
- Send to other Stellar users
- Use with any Stellar application
- Redeem for original Azos stablecoins via the Anchor